Group marriage

Group marriage, (a form of polyamory) is essentially the same as being married-except you're "married to" more than one person. Usually consisting of three to six adults, all partners live together, share finances, children, and household responsibilities. Depending on the sexual orientation of the members, all adults in the family are sexual partners. For instance, if all members are heterosexual, all the women have sexual relationships with all the men. If the women are bisexual, they may have sexual relationships with the women as well as the men. And so on. However, this is a closed system, (closed relationships are good for avoiding Sexually transmitted diseases if everyone is tested and is healthy) and sex is only allowed between (adult, non-related) family members--no outside sexual relationships are allowed. Some families are open to taking on new partners, but only if all members of the family agree to accept the new person as a partner. The new person then moves into the household and becomes an equal member of the family. Currently, the most common form of group marriage is a triad of two women and one man, or two men and one woman. However, there have recently been a number of polyfidelitous families formed by two heterosexual couples who become a four-some and live together as a family.

No country legally accepts or allows group marriages, either under the law nor as a common law marriage. However, if a group of friends were to house share, (see share housing), and not use the term "marriage" then the police shouldn't be interested, since it is legal to have sex with a consenting adult. Although having deceitful extramarital sex is not against the law, in many countries, being married (openly and honestly) to more than one person at the same time, is illegal.

Line marriage is a form of group marriage found in fiction in which the family unit continues to add new spouses of both sexes over time so that the marriage does not end.[1]


Non-European cultures

The following instances are cited in Thomas 1906.[5]

In modern U.S. cultures

Group marriage occasionally occurred in communal societies founded in the 19th and 20th centuries.

An exceptionally long-lived example was the Oneida Community founded by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848. Noyes taught that he and his followers, which reached 200 in number, had undergone sanctification; that is, it was impossible for them to sin, and that for the sanctified, marriage (along with private property) was abolished as an expression of jealousy and exclusiveness. The Oneida commune lived together as a single large group and shared parental responsibilities. Any given male-female combination in the group was free to have sex, usually upon the man's asking the woman, and this was the common practice for many years. In effect it functioned as a large group marriage until about 1879-1881. Nor did the Oneida Community self-destruct as happens with many communes. Noyes heard a New York warrant was out for his arrest, perhaps for adultery, though apparently not for anyone else in the group, and he fled to Canada, not many miles away. He lived there the rest of his life. After some period without his leadership and acting at Noyes' suggestion, the group disbanded. Several dozen pairs of them quickly married in traditional fashion after disbanding. They and others nearby then created the Oneida Silver company that for many decades was a famous US company name in flatware and related items.

The Kerista Commune practiced group marriage in San Francisco from 1971 to 1991.

It is difficult to estimate the number of people who actually practice group marriage in modern societies, as this form of marriage is not officially recognized or permitted in any jurisdiction in the U.S., and de jure illegal in many. It is also not always visible when people sharing a residence consider themselves privately as a group marriage.

In popular culture

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress describes line families in detail. The characters argue that the line family creates economic continuity and parental stability in an unpredictable, dangerous environment. Manuel's line marriage is said to be over 100 years old. The family is portrayed as economically comfortable because improvements and investments made by previous spouses compounded, rather than being lost between generations. Heinlein also makes it a point that this family is racially diverse. A passing reference to Heinlein's marriage forms is made in David Brin's Infinity's Shore, where a sapient bottlenose dolphin crewmember is noted as belonging to a "line marriage, one of the Heinlein forms."


  1. ^ Heinlein, 1966, pp. 260-262.
  2. ^ Westermarck 1922, Part III, p. 240
  3. ^ Westermarck 1922, Part III, p. 241
  4. ^ Ratzel, Friedrich. The History of Mankind, VolI P277. (London: MacMillan, 1896). URL: accessed 11 April 2010.
  5. ^ Northcote W. Thomas : Kinship Organizations and Group Marriage in Australia. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1906. Chapter XIII.